
Showing posts from April, 2013

MTN Tulbagh Marathon XCM #3

The MTN Tulbagh Marathon is number 3 in a national series of races held throughout different provinces of South Africa. The best mtb'ers in the country compete in these events along with us average Joe's to bring up the rear, giving us the opportunity to rub shoulders with the pros after the race as they hang around for the price giving. This would be the second time I ride the Tulbagh Marathon, with the 2012 version probably the toughest day I ever had on the bike, had a few falls, cramped in the heat, carried my bike up ravines, tried to survive rocky descents, the race just destroyed any illusions I had of being a tough competitive mtb'er, I was just glad to survive to see the finish line(pretty much entrenched in the back-end of the field). But in 2013 I was back... A little bit older and wiser, somewhat fitter and better prepared and most importantly having swapped the trusty old 26er for a shiny new 29er. It also turned out that the route changed a lot to