
Showing posts from April, 2014

My Sub-3 Argus - Part 2 - The pieces fall into place, with seconds to spare...

In the week leading up to the Argus the weather predictions were ominous, a stormy south-western of up to 60km/h were predicted, meaning especially the first half of the race, usually the fastest half would be tough as the groups would be riding into the wind. As the big day got closer the weather predictions only got worse and I quietly decided to drop this Sub-3 madness and just go out and enjoy the day. Dewald & I at the start in Group B True to the weather predictions, the Sunday morning was gusty with a stong south-western wind. After observing the chaotic riding and numerous crashes in 2013 I decided to just stick to the back, keep out of trouble and once we get to Simonstown start working my way to the front-half of the group to be in the mix when the inevitable break-away on the Smitswinkel climb happens. Just worrying about surviving have one benefit, Sub-3 was completely forgotten and this took a lot of pressure off the ride. The organisers in their (la