
Showing posts from May, 2014

Trans Karoo

On 26 April 2014, 200+ cyclists descended on Eselfontein, Ceres, famous in the Western Cape for it's singletrack, for a race involving no singletrack at all. The Trans Karoo is a 240km one day endurance event, across the dirtroads of the Tankwa Karoo and climbing up Ouberg pass to the Roggeveld to finish in Sutherland. I have never done a long endurance event comparable to this and the longest training rides I did after the Argus were about 80km so I was a bit apprehensive of the day ahead, I decided to stick as far as possible with my Wines2Whales partner - Dewald, not that he has ever done a race like this, but at least he has trained with people who had... The plan was basically to take it slow for the first few kilometers with a big climb up Swaarmoed pass, and then.... - well that was the extent of the plan but I was hoping to finish the race in under 12 hours, requiring me to average 20km/h over the 240km. Important Pre-Race photos with the support team On the morni