
Showing posts from February, 2015

The 94.7 Cycle Tour

The Karoo2Coast experience didn't work out as planned, but at least the post-K2C fitness levels were good and I stepped up the training to have a proper go at the 94.7. But then live happened.... Getting home after the Durbie Dash end of  October, I experienced some chest pains. Soon after I was admitted to intensive care in the Panorama Heart Unit with a suspected torn heart muscle. "Luckily" the damage wasn't as bad as we initially feared but it meant a few weeks off the bike and thereafter a considerable downsizing of my cycling program and the start of the journey on a long road to (hopefully) full recovery. As all the arrangements for doing the 94.7 were already made I decided to still ride, just at half the pace I initially planned to do it. So I teamed up with my brother Pieter, my Sani2C partner who just recently had his first-born which also, like a heart condition, is not conducive to proper training schedule. I landed on the Friday, on Saturday