
Showing posts from June, 2015

Sani2C Trail 2015 - The Racemiere rides again

It's may, that time of the year 1000's of mtb'ers all over the country to flock to the little town of Underberg just south of the Sani-pass to partake in the biggest & most famous 3-day mtb stage race in the country - The Nedbank Sani2C. Team Racemiere saddled up again for their second bite at the cherry and converged onto Underberg accompanied by the rest of their extended family/support team to participate. Not much has changed since our 94.7 ride in November, I still had a dodgy heart and Pieter still had a small baby in the house, so training rides were much less frequent & shorter than for our previous attempt, but at least we were not neglecting the all important pre-race tapering. Also, in a cunning plan to compensate for our lack of training Team Racemiere has now gone professional and procured a big name kit sponsor and were now known as the "Pragma Racemiere". Pragma Racemiere - Ready for Day 1! Race strategy was to go as fast as poss