
Showing posts from April, 2017

CTCT 2017 -The puppet that never got the chance to grow into a real live boy

2014 Cape Argus I managed my first sub-3. 2015 Argus was halved due to raging fires and everyone got sub-3's 2016 Argus, now the Cape Town Cycle Tour (CTCT) I fell ill the night before the race and could not ride. 2017 CTCT was now supposed to be my first attempt at a proper sub-3 in 4 years. After the Attakwas early in January I managed to keep on training and keep doing races, my seeding looked good after the Stellenbosch Cycle Tour so everything was falling in place for a proper sub-3 assault. Then in the lead-up to the big day things started going wrong... First there were reports of fires in Hout Bay Then rumours started spreading about social unrest along the route at Masiphumelele near Kommetjie. Then the night before the race organisers sent us the following text message: Things weren't looking good but the Sunday morning I arrived in Cape Town ready to handle whatever the conditions, fires and protesters throw at me.  Initially th