
Showing posts from June, 2017

FAW80 Cycle Challenge 2017 - The crazy bunch do it again

I promised my wife I wouldn't do something stupid like this again, and I meant it at the time... But memories fade and when Neil posted the new 2017 FAW route on Strava late in 2016 I just couldn't resist the call to again be involved in this crazy adventure(If only because the last time I forgot to start my Garmin until we were 10km into the ride and if the whole ride is not on strava the 480km ride never happened!) It is after all a special opportunity to raise money for a good cause, us cyclists pay our own way and all the money raised go towards the sterilisation of dogs at the Fisantekraal settlement. Having survived the 2016 version I had some confidence in my ability to do it again, my biggest worry were the cold Karoo night as temperatures around zero degrees were predicted (I hate cycling in the cold) The Crew looking fresh at the start So on 8h00 Saturday morning, 26 riders set off from Oudtshoorn to Melkbos on a 480km journey. The first 30km were ridin