
Showing posts from 2022 - Morningstar

2,5 years later and time to revive this old blog. One thing that changed in the last 2,5 years is I intend to do more adventures and less races. A fun inspiration for a analytical mind to explore is . The website divides the map into grids, colouring the grids you have visited by bicycle (using your Strava feed) to inspire you to cycle places you haven't visited before. Today's goal was to colour the block around Morningstar - a small settlement just east of Bloubergstrand, Cape Town which I have never heard off before.  On the way I would pass the historic Vissershok farm and then after pass through the Vissershok Landfill, probably not the safest of places but I'm sure the baddies would not have expected a cyclist passing through a rubbish dump... Then the plan was to finish in Philadelphia and meet the family for coffee. I started the ride on the Vissershok road in Durbanville, passing Meerendal and Hooggekraal. Reaching Vissershok just before the N7 Vis