Cape Argus MTB Challenge

The Argus MTB Challenge takes place on the first weekend of March at Boschendal near Franschoek. About 2,500 riders take part in the 3 different distances hosted on the Sunday. A large portion of the participants are not regular mtb'ers, so the route is "dumbed" down a bit, consisting mostly of tame farm roads and jeep track with one biggish climb as well as a nice section of single track mixed in near the end to make things more interesting. 

Not wanting to "hurt" myself on a 75km route a week before the "real" Argus, I chickened out and entered the 52km version. The race was important for me because I crashed out the 2012 version after an altercation with a donga (so a small matter of of unfinished business!). Also this was probably going to be my last mtb race on the trusty old warhorse before upgrading to a 29er, so some extra motivation to give the Silverback a worthy send-off.

100's of excited riders ahead of the start of the 52km route

I started in Group A at 7h20, about 5 minutes behind the last 75km group. (with whom we shared most of the 52km route). The pace was lightning quick from the start and I quickly realised that with my more modest pace and fitness levels, its useless to try and keep up with the racing snakes up front, so I settled into my own more manageable pace, trying to leave something in the tank for the last hour of the race.

The first few km's of the race were mostly uneventful and fairly easy riding. A zig-zagging route meandering through the vineards and farm dams of Boschendal's neighbour - Plaisir de Merle, only a few sandy bits and sharp turns to make sure you are awake & concentrating. After a few minutes we start catching the back markers of the 75km route, and passing 100's of these slower riders would basically be the biggest challenge for most of the morning.

The speedy Spectra doing her last race

After about 30km I passed the spot where I crashed out the previous year, very relieved to have survived this occasion intact, After about 35km we encountered the only really serious climb of the day, described as follows by the website:

From here things get tough as riders ascend the notorious Lookout tar road and after the waterpoint attempt the rocky ascent of the Simonsberg on terrain that few have conquered. " 

Well, nobody around me nor myself was going to be one of those "selected few" today - so I got off my bike and stumbled up the hill with the rest of my fellow riders.

After the tough climb we encountered the only notable piece of single track for the day, a nice slippery descent through a small pine forest leading onto a rocky descent down back to Boschendal.

Rocky descent - just holding on for dear life!
Just before Boschendal we now joined up with 35km riders for the final few km's and the 75km riders turned left to do an extra loop. This is the part of the race where you get to pretend you are a real racing snake, racing your way through slower, unfit 35km riders imitating the racing machine you wish you were.

After 2h52 minutes I rolled over the finish line in a very respectable 65th place out of 660 riders. Happy to have conquered the course that got the better of me last time, and giving the old warhorse a worthy send-off!

Showing the motorcycles how it's done

Next up would be the "real" one, the 2013 Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour!


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