
Showing posts from May, 2013

Sani2C - Day 3 - Sugarcane & Sea

Sani2C Day 3 - The adventure is almost over! The last 84km is supposed to be a fairly easy descent from Julivet to Scottburgh with a few pesky climbs in between but nothing like the long climbs on Day 2. Team Racemiere were again bumped up a few batches, this time from Group E to Group C.  However this was as good as it going to get for us, as our bolt was shot after Day 2, and clearly our fellow riders had more effective recovery regimes! The route consists of mostly of long sections of gentle farm roads sweeping through valleys of green sugarcane plantations, today we were the team enjoying the scenery being passed by the faster teams. Team Racemiere looking strong! The route had it's fair share of exciting downhills, racing downhill with sugarcane leaves flapping into your face definitely a new experience. Crossing into the Vernon Crookes nature reserve, the trails got a bit rougher but we saw the sea for the first time and it was good knowing the end is not too f

Sani2C - Day 2 - Umkomaas Valley

Sani2C Day 2 - the heaven & hell stage and the reason the Sani2C is famous. A long 100km stage, starting with a stunning single track descent into the Umkomaas valley, the track then crosses the valley  taking the riders over the Umkomaas river and out the other side with a monster climb back up the mountains. Our good ride on day 1 meant we were bumped up from Group J to Group E for day 2, meaning the slower riders were now behind us and not in front of us when bombing down on the long downhill single track sections. Day 2 started early and Group E were off at 8h00. The first few kilometers took us into a fun dual track section through pine plantations, suddenly the trees opened up and words can't adequately describe the scenery that unfolded before us. A beautiful valley with a big river snaking kilometers below us, and we were descending right down the "walls" of the valley! The beautiful Umkomaas valley at sunrise What follows is about 30km of t

Sani2C - Day 1 - Pine Plantations

13 May 2013 - The Van Heerden clan arrives in the Underberg. We booked into the very picturesque Glenlea farm cottage. Pieter & I & the wifes left for race registration with the rest of the clan exploring the wooden cabin and small lake outside. Glenlea - Underberg The whole town of Underberg was buzzing with an army of nervous & excited cyclists. At the registration tent on the school grounds we were tagged and issued with our luggage boxes for the next 3 days. The boxes filled with free goodies including clothes which surely must have been worth about half the entry fee. At 15h30 the legendary race organiser - Farmer Glen, made quite a spectacular entrance with a helicopter, proceeded with a very witty race briefing and we were off back to Glenlea for final packing & preparations. Registration at Underberg School 14 May 2013 - Finally the waiting is over! At 9h00 Pieter & I lined up at the start with the rest of group J. We had some ambitious plans fo

Sani2C - Before

In 5 days time I will be in Underberg, Kwazulu-Natal for the start of the biggest serviced stage race in the world. The Sani2C! Each year about 4,500 riders participate in the 3 versions running concurrently, the Sani2C Race, the Sani2C Adventure and the Sani2C Trail. It's extremely hard to get into the race and your only hope to get in is to enter the lottery system or hoping & praying for a cancellation (advertised entries on websites are literary sold in minutes). I was lucky enough to get an entry after a cancellation so team Racemiere will be riding the 2013 Sani2C Trail. Sani2C Day 2 The Sani2C is a 3-day stage race starting in Underberg and finishing on the beach in Scottburgh. It is more known for it's scenery, vibe and enjoyment and not so much for its toughness (although day 2 is 100km with 2000m of climbing which is not to be scoffed at!) I'm chuffed to have my brother as partner, will be pretty special to share the experience with him. My wife,