Sani2C - Before

In 5 days time I will be in Underberg, Kwazulu-Natal for the start of the biggest serviced stage race in the world. The Sani2C!

Each year about 4,500 riders participate in the 3 versions running concurrently, the Sani2C Race, the Sani2C Adventure and the Sani2C Trail. It's extremely hard to get into the race and your only hope to get in is to enter the lottery system or hoping & praying for a cancellation (advertised entries on websites are literary sold in minutes). I was lucky enough to get an entry after a cancellation so team Racemiere will be riding the 2013 Sani2C Trail.

Sani2C Day 2
The Sani2C is a 3-day stage race starting in Underberg and finishing on the beach in Scottburgh. It is more known for it's scenery, vibe and enjoyment and not so much for its toughness (although day 2 is 100km with 2000m of climbing which is not to be scoffed at!) I'm chuffed to have my brother as partner, will be pretty special to share the experience with him. My wife, sister-in-law, parents and kids will also make the trip to KZN as supporters so it will be a proper family outing.

The 360-life floating bridge into the sea

Highlights should be experiencing riding in another part of our country (other than the Western Cape), the famous descent into the Umkomaas Valley on Day 2 and floating bridges including one into the sea at the finish in Scottburgh!

Descent into the Umkomaas valley.
For Day 1 team Racemiere is seeded in Group J, meaning we will start pretty much at the back of the field. Would have liked a better seeding but at least starting at 9h30 means we will be missing the worst of the Drakensberg late-autumn morning coldness. 


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