TipTrans Cederberg Experience

It's September, spring is in the air and time to kick the post-sani and post-winter cycling slump. The Western Cape bad weather lifted for a day and I arrived early on a chilly Saturday morning in Citrusdal for the TipTrans Cederberg Experience, 115km of mtb'ing through the Olifantsrivier valley and the Cederberg mountains.

Even though I'm far away from full fitness, I was looking forward to a proper long mtb ride. We started off with a neutral zone riding behind a TipTrans truck riding through the main street of Citrusdal. Just after town the truck pulled over and the serious racing started.

And were off!

The dirtroad to Clanwilliam.
Continuing northwards towards Clanwilliam, the road was flat, the wind from behind and the racing fast. The weather warmed up quickly and we were fortunate to have a slight tailwind. The front group quickly pulled away and since there was no way I was going to keep up at my current fitness levels, I settled into the second group which was going almost as fast. In the first hour we almost covered 30km's!
Still smiling!
After 30 km at Kriedouwkrans, we made a right turn to start the big climb of the day, the Nieuwoudt pass. A long winding road climbing about 500m over 10km, it's the type of climb I like, the relatively gentle incline gives you a chance to settle into a rhytm. Soon I dropped my group but was not quick enough to catch the next group, so for the rest of the race I was kind off in no-mans land, too quick for the riders behind me, too slow for the riders in front of me. This meant I spent the next 80km basically cycling on my own.

Riders climbing the Nieuwoudt Pass
At the 40km mark I reached the top of Niewoudt Pass, then follows the highlight of the race - a 20km descent down the back of the pass into a valley, past the Algeria camping site then onto a side road to Clanwilliam dam. Given that it is a fast & easy downhill, it gives you the chance to appreciate the beautiful mountain scenery, and of course the spring flowers.

At the Clanwilliam dam we turned left and then its 50km of rolling hills southwards back towards Citrusdal.

The first 20km is still relatively flat and it was easy to maintain an average speed of about 25km/h but thereafter the road starts to climb and the tailwind of the morning is now a headwind so gradually the easy ride of the morning is turning into a monster. Suddenly the road is much more bumpier than earlier the morning(and harder on the sore body) , the power in the legs disappears and now its just a case of surviving the last 20km.

About 15km from the end there was one last long climb, I knew if I could just survive this climb then its all downhill to town and a easy ride to the finish, I struggled to the top, was cruising down the downhill on the other side thinking job well done but unknown to me the race had one last sting in the tail. To my horror we were diverted for a detour around Citrusdal. What followed was 10km of sand & mud, bumpy jeeptracks through fruit orchards a rocky stretch of single track and a few nasty little climbs. Now a mtb'er should never complain about a little mud and single track but mentally I was already having my post-race beer when this surprise was sprung! Cursing & praying I toiled away over the last few kilometers to drop down very tiredly at the finish for that post-race beer. My finish time a very respectable 5h02m in 36th place.

One of  the best days I've had on the bike and despite the last few km's the fastest ride I've ever had on a mtb. Hope I can be back next year!


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