Coronation Double Century

The Coronation Double Century is a unique event. 250 teams of 12 take part in a 202km ride starting & ending at Swellendam. It's the only event in SA where amateurs get the opportunity to ride in teams and also the only event where the weakest teams start first and the strongest last. This makes for some hairy situations as faster teams are passing slower teams all day long and there are no road closures.

It was my second outing at this event and my first ride for the Sanlam Investment Mixed team. Despite 5 punctures and 2 broken spokes, we completed the 202km in 7h23m, the 103rd team overall and 15th out of 59 mixed teams.

Below is some photos of our ride:

Team Sanlam Investments before the Start

6:30 and we're off
Your's truly leading out the team at Montagu
Riding together near Bonnievale

Helping a teammate out


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