
Showing posts from May, 2016

Trans Karoo 2016 - The Up Ride - Again

My support team braves the cold weather 5h30, 30 April 2016 my support team and I arrived at Kaleo, Ceres for my second Trans Karoo Up Ride. The day before a cold front swept through the Western Cape, by now the rain clouds had passed but the freezing temperatures still lingered. There were about 120 other riders at the start point, the numbers a bit down from previous years. My training partner & companion on the 2014 up-ride Dewald was also there to keep me company, the plan was that we would stick together for the first 200 km to Ouberg and then each do the climb at their own pace. Dewald & I At 7h00 we were were off, weather was still frosty in the Koue Bokkeveld and the road wet from the previous night's rain. Dewald & I started right at the back of the small field, riding at our own mellow pace not hooking up to any of the little groups that formed at the start. The field quickly spread out and the first few kilometers were easy going, after about 30km